General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions


1. scope of application
1.1 The following general terms and conditions apply to all legal transactions with Mirjam Barner Coaching, according to this contract with its contractual partner, hereinafter referred to as “client”.

1.2 The client will be notified in writing of any changes to these terms and conditions. They are considered approved if the client does not object in text form. The client must send the objection to Mirjam Barner Coaching within 10 days after notification of the changes.

2. subject matter of the contract
2.1 Mirjam Barner Coaching offers coaching sessions in person, on the phone and via video chat. Mirjam Barner Coaching will announce the exact name and listing of the services offered on its website and other media used by it.

3. conclusion of the contract
3.1 A contract with Mirjam Barner Coaching comes into effect through the transmission and confirmation of the completed and signed coaching declaration by mail, fax, email or by oral agreement and subsequent submission of a written assignment.

3.2 Each client will receive a letter of confirmation or rejection after receipt of his assignment.

3.3 The assignment is binding and can only be declared invalid after consultation with Mirjam Barner Coaching against payment of a processing fee of 10 EUR.

4. contract duration and remuneration
4.1 The contract begins and ends at the specifically and individually agreed time.

4.2 The first consultation is free of charge

4.3 Payment arrangements: The fee for the coaching sessions is based on the current price table of Mirjam Barner Coaching at the time of contract conclusion. The participant can pay by credit card, PayPal, bank transfer, invoice, account collection.

4.4 All payments are due before the date of the first coaching date. If the payment dates are exceeded, Mirjam Barner Coaching is entitled to default interest of 2% – above the reference interest rate of the European Central Bank according to the Discount Rate Transition Act – without further reminder. The right to assert a claim for further damages remains unaffected.

4.5 All services provided by Mirjam Barner Coaching are to be understood as small businesses in the sense of § 19 para. 1 UstG, sales tax is not charged.

5. scope of services and unused services
5.1 The scope of services depends on the respective contract between Mirjam Barner Coaching and the client.

5.2 If individual services are not used by the client, Mirjam Barner Coaching reserves the right to charge the entire fee.

5.3 In the case of illness or in the presence of force majeure, Mirjam Barner Coaching is entitled to make up for the services on a new date to be agreed upon, excluding any obligation to pay damages.

6. obligation of secrecy
6.1 Mirjam Barner Coaching commits itself to maintain silence about conversations with the client during the duration of the coaching and also after the end of the coaching.

7. other provisions
7.1 Should individual provisions of the contract concluded between the parties or these General Terms and Conditions for Mirjam Barner Coaching be or become invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected. The parties will then implement the conditions with an effective replacement provision that comes closest to the purpose of the omitted provision. These terms and conditions and their implementation shall be governed exclusively by German law. Exclusive jurisdiction for all claims arising from the contract related to these terms and conditions for Mirjam Barner Coaching and these conditions is the seat of Mirjam Barner Coaching if the contract does not expressly determine a different jurisdiction.


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